Els Castellers


Its history

“Accomplishment, challenge, trust, common purpose, leadership, passion, understanding, empathy…” are just some of the characteristics attributable to els castellers.

Strength, Balance, Courage and Wisdom

Collas castelleras are originally from Valencia’s community, originating from typical dances of different towns where small human towers were built. With time, these human towers were no longer linked to the typical dances and began creating their own groups and acting on their own. In 1801, at Valls de Cataluña, Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls was created, back then known as Colla dels Pagesos. Nowadays, this locality is considered the birth place of the castellera tradition and els castells.

Currently, els castells appears as a renowned Catalan identity symbol and a great pride icon for the region and also contributes to society through work and effort.

Creating castells means creating human towers and for that it is necessary to have a good base pinya, formed by human capital that with their effort will support the weight of the castle. Above the base comes the tower, el tronc and is composed of all those people that will climb up to form the the tower. Trusting in one another, equilibrium and coordination are key. And finally the crowning, the Castell, goes el pom de dalt, who are mainly the smallest of the colla and undertake a greater level of risk. They must go up and stand at the highest point for the Castell for it to be valid.

The casteller spirit in Investa Trust

Without doubt, els castellers are the finest representation of what Investa Trust embodies as a business. In our company, as in els castells, the human team works for a common purpose, where nobody is better than anybody else; where the base, all people that are at the office working without being seen, are cherished and taken into account the same way as those that meet directly with clients, forming this way a united and coordinated team.

As a group, we work in coordination based on the following principles, cooperation, professionalism, integrity, discretion, trust, overcoming new challenges, empathy and resolution. At Investa Trust, no one looks to stand out individually but to work as one based on teamwork and resolve. With these principles Investa Trust succeeds to stand out for its service, its solutions and for the long lasting relationships with its clients. At Investa Trust we are one.

Building your future together

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